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Sick of Sitting on the Sidelines? Consider Attending Day on the Hill

May 18, 2018, 05:16 AM by Matthew McCann
R. Charles Waring, a director with PwC, provides first-hand insight on PICPA's Day on the Hill, and explains why he thinks you should attend.

Alexandra FabianBy Alexandra Fabian, manager, government relations

Each year in June, CPAs from across Pennsylvania come to Harrisburg to partake in PICPA’s premier legislative event, Day on the Hill.

R. Charles Waring, a director with PwC and a member of the CPA-PAC Board, provides first-hand insight on the event and his perspective on why PICPA members should consider attending.

R. Charles WaringWhy do you attend Day on the Hill, and why should others consider attending?

Engagement in government is important to me. One way to have my voice heard by the elected officials who represent me is through participating in PICPA's Day on the Hill. It is a way that CPAs can come together to demonstrate the presence we have throughout Pennsylvania.

Why do you continue to attend?

I have attended three times over the past five years. Attending just once is not enough. This is about establishing a long-term relationship with my elected officials. As both they and I grow in our respective careers, we can have a continued dialogue about the relevant issues we're facing in our community.

What part of the program do you feel is of most value?

Day on the Hill provides a structured channel in which we can start, and continue to build, relationships to have discussions with our representatives.

How does Day on the Hill benefit you specifically?

Right now, it helps to satisfy my interest in engaging with elected officials in Harrisburg. Over time, I expect that it will help me create strong relationships that allow for more direct dialogue on issues that may be impacting my firm, my clients, and our community.

What do you consider to be the most pivotal state legislative or regulatory issue confronting CPAs?

The budget and any related increase in taxes or creation of new taxes, including those on professional services. This impacts all CPAs, regardless of practice focus.

How do you feel this issue is addressed by attending Day on the Hill?

The annual budget continues to be a contentious process, and there is always discussion on how to close the budget gap. The PICPA has been effective in making the case against taxes on professional services, but it has only been through the continued advocacy of the PICPA government relations team and those PICPA members who make their voices heard.

If you could offer one piece of advice to a first-time Day on the Hill attendee, what would it be?

Just being there is the critical success. You're not going to solve all of Harrisburg's issues in one day. Coming out and having your representatives know that you made the journey from your community says a lot to them.  

Event highlights for this year’s Day on the Hill include a preview of the 2018 Pennsylvania elections and what they could mean for your business and clients, an insider's view on the latest budget and tax proposals from state legislators, valuable interactions with PICPA committee representatives and the PICPA government relations team, and a presentation from the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue.

A draft agenda for Day on the Hill is available here. Consider registering today for both the networking reception, which will take place on June 11, and Day on the Hill on June 12. Participants in the event will earn three CPE credits.

Feel free to contact Alex Fabian, manager, government relations, at afabian@picpa.org with questions.

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