CPA Now Blog

The Lowdown on Lease Accounting

What are the three aspects of FASB’s Big 3 Project? As anyone who has been knee-deep in their implementation can tell you, they are revenue recognition, financial instruments, and the topic of our latest edition of CPA Conversations: lease accounting. In a preview of his presentation at the Dec. 6 PICPA Accounting and Auditing Conference, Keith Peterka, a partner with Citrin Cooperman in Philadelphia, gives us the skinny on this meaty subject matter.

Nov 13, 2017, 08:19 AM

What are the three aspects of FASB’s Big 3 Project? As anyone who has been knee-deep in their implementation can tell you, they are revenue recognition, financial instruments, and the topic of our latest edition of CPA Conversations: lease accounting. In a preview of his presentation at the Dec. 6 PICPA Accounting and Auditing Conference, Keith Peterka, a partner with Citrin Cooperman in Philadelphia, gives us the skinny on this meaty subject matter.

If you’d like, you can download this episode’s audio file. Additionally, you can follow us on iTunes, Google Play, or subscribe to our RSS feed.

By: Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal, Managing Editor

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