CPA Now Blog

Protecting Elderly Clients from Fraud and Abuse

Talking to an elderly client about their own incapacitation is one of the most difficult conversations a CPA or financial adviser can have. It could also be one of the most important, especially if you are looking to help the client avoid scams that could rob them of their funds. For details on this delicate conversation and why it is so vital, CPA Conversations spoke to Cyndy Hubler, practice lead, compliance education and training, for 1st Global in Dallas, Texas.

Mar 12, 2018, 08:45 AM

Talking to an elderly client about their own incapacitation is one of the most difficult conversations a CPA or financial adviser can have. It could also be one of the most important, especially if you are looking to help the client avoid scams that could rob them of their funds. For details on this delicate conversation and why it is so vital, CPA Conversations spoke to Cyndy Hubler, practice lead, compliance education and training, for 1st Global in Dallas, Texas.

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By: Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal Managing Editor

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