CPA Now Blog

New A&A Standards for Employee Benefit Plan Auditors

CPAs auditing employee benefit plans are dealing with a lot of standards, including SAS No. 132 and FASB ASU No. 2017-06. Additionally, the new tax law will affect CPAs working with these plans. JulieAnn Verrekia, CPA, and David Torrillo, CPA, of Torrillo & Associates LLC, provide an update on what auditors can expect. They will speak at greater length on this topic at PICPA’s The Changing Landscape of Employee Benefit Plans Conference on May 1, 2018.

Mar 19, 2018, 06:00 AM

CPAs auditing employee benefit plans are dealing with a lot of standards, including SAS No. 132 and FASB ASU No. 2017-06. Additionally, the new tax law will affect CPAs working with these plans. JulieAnn Verrekia, CPA, and David Torrillo, CPA, of Torrillo & Associates LLC, provide an update on what auditors can expect. They spoke at greater length on this topic at PICPA’s The Changing Landscape of Employee Benefit Plans Conference on May 1, 2018. Watch their session On-Demand.

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By: Jim DeLuccia, PICPA Communications Manager

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