CPA Now Blog

Practitioners: Don’t Be Overwhelmed by Federal Tax Reform

Implementation of the new laws and regulations brought about by federal tax reform will be a major undertaking for the largest of firms. Imagine how much of an undertaking it is going to be for smaller firms and sole practitioners! In connection to his article in the Federal Tax Reform Guide presented by the Pennsylvania CPA Journal, Carl Peterson, CPA, CGMA, vice president of small firm interests at the AICPA, details the challenges practitioners will face, discusses ways small firms can manage client expectations, and estimates how long it will take for firms to have full clarity on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Apr 16, 2018, 09:00 AM

Implementation of the new laws and regulations brought about by federal tax reform will be a major undertaking for the largest of firms. Imagine how much of an undertaking it is going to be for smaller firms and sole practitioners! In connection to his article in the Federal Tax Reform Guide presented by the Pennsylvania CPA Journal, Carl Peterson, CPA, CGMA, vice president of small firm interests at the AICPA, details the challenges practitioners will face, discusses ways small firms can manage client expectations, and estimates how long it will take for firms to have full clarity on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

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By: Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal Managing Editor

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