CPA Now Blog

Accounting Automation: More Opportunity than Threat for CPAs

With so much reporting in the media about the rise of robo-accounting, it is no surprise that CPAs can be concerned about possible effects on their careers. But, as professors Paul Brazina and Joe Ugras of La Salle University say in the upcoming summer 2018 Pennsylvania CPA Journal, accounting automation could be a great opportunity for CPAs. They will be able to enhance their standing within their organizations and focus on the parts of their jobs that they value the most.

May 14, 2018, 06:00 AM

With so much reporting in the media about the rise of robo-accounting, it is no surprise that CPAs can be concerned about possible effects on their careers. But, as professors Paul Brazina and Joe Ugras of La Salle University say in the upcoming summer 2018 Pennsylvania CPA Journal, accounting automation could be a great opportunity for CPAs. They will be able to enhance their standing within their organizations and focus on the parts of their jobs that they value the most.

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By: Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal Managing Editor

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