CPA Now Blog

The New Normal: Care with Convenience

Microhospitals, urgent care facilities, and telehealth consultations are providing unique challenges to CPAs working in the health care industry. David Gregory, a principal and health care consulting practice leader with Baker Tilly in New York, has extensive experience working with these entities, and provides a brief overview of how CPAs can respond to these trends. Gregory will speak at greater length on this topic at PICPA’s 2018 Health Care Conference, June 13-14.

May 24, 2018, 06:00 AM

Microhospitals, urgent care facilities, and telehealth consultations are providing unique challenges to CPAs working in the health care industry. David Gregory, a principal and health care consulting practice leader with Baker Tilly in New York, has extensive experience working with these entities, and provides a brief overview of how CPAs can respond to these trends. Gregory will speak at greater length on this topic at PICPA’s 2018 Health Care Conference, June 13-14.

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By: Jim DeLuccia, PICPA Communications Manager

PICPA Staff Contributors


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