CPA Now Blog

Building the Ideal Advisory Services Professional

Client advisory services is a rising area of concentration for firms looking to keep a leg up on their competition in the accounting field. However, if a firm is going to thrive in this area, it must groom its employees to be able to make positive contributions. In this CPA Conversations podcast, we speak with Sandra Wiley, president of Boomer Consulting Inc., who tells us how firms can best prepare staff to thrive as advisory professionals.

Jun 18, 2018, 06:00 AM

Client advisory services is a rising area of concentration for firms looking to keep a leg up on their competition in the accounting field. However, if a firm is going to thrive in this area, it must groom its employees to be able to make positive contributions. In this CPA Conversations podcast, we speak with Sandra Wiley, president of Boomer Consulting Inc., who tells us how firms can best prepare staff to thrive as advisory professionals.

If you’d like, you can download this episode’s audio file. Additionally, you can follow us on iTunes, Google Play, or subscribe to our RSS feed.

By: Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal Managing Editorr

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