CPA Now Blog

Are You Managing Change?

Instead of just letting change happen and take its course, which could cause undue stress and not achieve the results you’re committed to, consider these four tips for managing change.

Apr 17, 2015, 00:00 AM
tameraloerzelBy Guest Blogger, Tamera Loerzel, partner at ConvergenceCoaching, LLC and Women’s Conference speaker

Are you managing change, or are you just letting change happen around you? I know this time of year is full of change for a lot of people and organizations as new hires start, another round of deadlines approaches, and transition and leadership development issues need to be addressed. A lot is going on, so here’s a quick review of some change management must-do’s.

Instead of just letting change happen and take its course, which could cause undue stress and not achieve the results you’re committed to, consider these tips for managing change.

  1. Remember that everyone embraces change differently.
    We all approach and welcome change differently. Some of us are up for change – or even instigate change – because we like the variety, challenge, and new opportunities change brings. Some people aren’t so eager for change to occur: they are comfortable with predictable schedules and familiar processes. You likely have people on your team (and in your circle of family and friends) who are on both ends of the spectrum and somewhere in between. You can enroll those who like – or at least readily embrace – change to lead the way for those who may need someone else to test the waters and tell them it’s OK. Listen to those who are more cautious because they will have some good questions to consider as you execute change. Their hesitation will highlight things that are better to think through in advance rather than when the issues become an emergency.
  2. Communicate what is changing and why the change is necessary to all stakeholders. 
    Keep in mind that the people affected not only have different approaches to change, but they also listen differently. Consider a multi-facetted platform to communicate your change in group meetings, in one-on-one conversations, and in writing through e-mails or newsletters. In your communications, be sure to address what’s changing and why it’s necessary to change, and also include the following:
    • What the risks are or what might happen if you don’t make the change
    • What’s possible or what new opportunities will arise because of the change
    • How you will know that you’ve achieved the desired change
    • What success looks like in the new paradigm
    • What role each person will play in making the change happen – from being informed to actively participating in committees, process changes, or other requirements you identify
    • What your immediate priorities or next steps are to move the team forward
    • When and how often your stakeholders can expect updates
  3. Communicate some more.
    In addition to a communications strategy that includes multiple oral and written communications about the change, check in with individuals to see how they are adapting. Let them share feedback or suggestions, and give them an opportunity to express their concerns, especially if they are slow to adopt change. You’ll find that you will be able to help people embrace change more quickly, and they’ll remember your care and concern, and be more willing to go through change with you in the future.
  4. Be patient and compassionate.
    If you are the one instituting change, or if your style is to readily embrace change, you might find that you want things to move faster than others. Remember that change is a process, and it does take time. In addition, sometimes you have to be willing to make alternate plans or change direction because unknown issues or new facts arise during the change process. You’ll find that listening to others and letting them give input – while it may take longer or end up looking different than you originally thought – will expand the opportunities you anticipated. Be patient with the process, the results, and others while you stay committed to what you see is possible, and, as a result, you’ll realize the outcomes you dreamed of or even better ones.

For me, the must-do I have to continually practice is ensuring that I communicate regularly when change is occurring. One time just doesn’t cut it. It’s important for me, and those around me, to keep the possibility of the future out in front of me, whether it’s starting the college journey with my daughter who is graduating high school, or developing a new curriculum and tools for our leadership development programs to help future leaders reach their full potential.

What change are you in the midst of or about to embark on? What strategies do you use to powerfully and effectively manage change? Consider which of these change management must-do’s you will commit to as you manage change in the future.

If you are interested in hearing more from Tamera Loerzel on managing and leading change, view the PICPA's On Demand education video.

Tamera Loerzel, partner at ConvergenceCoaching, LLC has served as a speaker at the PICPA Women’s Conference.

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