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Advanced Audits of 401(k) Plans: Best Practices and Current Developments Webinar

Oct 9
9:00 - 5:00 p.m.


CPE Credits

As we saw from the recent United States Department of Labor review of employee benefit plan audits and recent peer review results, auditors need to raise their game in order to provide the quality audits that plan stakeholders demand. Now with SAS 136, the AICPA’s new audit standard for employee benefit plans (EBPs), effective, it is now the time to get up to speed on all the guidance that you will need to perform your EBP audits for this year-end.

In this advanced course, we will discuss both what’s the same and what's different under SAS 136, including both auditor’s and plan sponsor’s responsibilities when electing and performing an ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(C) audit. We will also discuss laws and regulations such as ERISA which are unique to employee benefit plans and provide practical guidance on their application, focusing on the most common compliance issues identified in 401(k) audits from both Department of Labor and peer reviews, along with recommended corrections. Auditors will identify best practices in implementing SAS 136 and auditing such areas as payroll and compensation, participant loans, hardship distributions, investments, plan mergers/acquisitions, etc. This is the course to take to help you improve the quality of your 401(k) benefit plan audits.

  • Annual update of the changes affecting 401(k) plans
  • Compliance issues associated with eligibility and enrollments, remittances, lack of oversight, compensation, vesting, etc.
  • Best practices for engagement planning, internal controls, risk assessment, and detailed testing
  • How to avoid common mistakes made while performing audit procedures
  • Plan mergers and acquisitions
  • Common audit reporting and disclosure issues
  • The new audit standard for employee benefit plans


PICPA Member: $299
Nonmember: $409

More Information

Course No. AAFP-2023-01-WEBNR-282-01 Level: Advanced

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of auditing defined contribution plans

This webinar is hosted by PICPA's partner, Surgent CPE. After registering, you will receive an email from Surgent CPE with the log-in information.


Melissa Critcher