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Careers & Lifestyle

PICPA Roundtable: Employee Engagement Strategies for New Hires During COVID-19

Jan 11, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged firm administrators to think of new ways to keep staff engaged and connected as they work from home. In December 2020, a group of administrators and human resources leaders from accounting firms across Pennsylvania met to share best practices on keeping interns and new hires focused on their tasks despite the challenges.
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Navigating Career Changes During COVID-19 and Beyond

Oct 26, 2020
As we look back on the past few months and think about the future of our careers, it is clear that some things will change. COVID-19 delivered both challenges and a few silver linings when it comes to making choices related to our careers.
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Plenty of Treats at This Year’s PICPA Women’s Leadership Conference

Oct 13, 2020
The Women’s Leadership Conference is always a big day on PICPA's calendar. Numerous members have benefited from the unique opportunity to hear from trailblazers in the profession that this conference provides.
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Unemployed During COVID: A CPA’s Perspective and Lessons Learned

Oct 9, 2020
Early in the COVID-19 crisis, job seekers may have been able to identify 20 to 30 potential positions within their respective skill set, but as March became April, the opportunities dwindled. Find out how one PICPA member managed the harrowing job market during the height of the pandemic.
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Leadership Tips: Five Steps to Deal with Uncertainty

Oct 8, 2020
When we don't have the answer to a leadership challenge, there's a good chance we may feel inadequate or uncertain and vulnerable. Don't beat yourself up: it's only human to have these feelings. Here are five steps to assist you during times of self-doubt.
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