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Careers & Lifestyle

Civil Wars: Battling Incivility in the Workplace

Aug 21, 2023
Workplace incivility can often be relatively small acts by coworkers or supervisors that are perceived as demeaning or which cause an individual to feel undervalued or unimportant. Unchecked uncivil acts can affect your business in significantly negative ways and have major consequences.
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Young Professionals: Remember the Importance of Networking

Jun 1, 2023
Networking is vital. It exposes young professionals to diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise. Elijah Goosby shares his experience at the PICPA 126th Annual Meeting, and wishes you were there.
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Positive Self-Talk to Thrive During Your Busy Season

Mar 21, 2023
If you are a CPA, whether it be in public accounting, industry, government, or the nonprofit world, you have a crunch time ... which is right now for the tax folks. Instead of shutting down or beating yourself up during these difficult times, try using positive self-talk to build up your perceived ability and efficacy to successfully navigate challenging situations.
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Networking for Introverts: Success Doesn’t Have to Feel Like a Root Canal

Feb 27, 2023
For many professionals, networking events bring back unpleasant memories of middle school, feeling vulnerable, alone, and on the outside looking in at others who seemed to know everyone else. How do we make what seems so overwhelming – or just like torture – a successful endeavor?
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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Accounting

Feb 20, 2023
Most who suffer from imposter syndrome believe that their achievements are the result of “luck,” living in fear that they will be discovered a “phony” by others. CPAs tend to possess certain personality traits that make them prone to imposter syndrome: they are detail-oriented, possess a strong work ethic, and are focused on integrity and accountability. Luckily, there is a way to keep imposter syndrome at bay.
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