CPA Now Blog

PICPA Announces 2024 Accounting Scholarship Recipients

More than $200,000 worth of scholarships and financial support were provided to 135 recipients.

Jul 19, 2024, 16:02 PM


Philadelphia, PA – (July 19, 2024)The Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) is proud to announce the recipients of its 2024 scholarships, a program delivered through the Pennsylvania CPA Foundation. This year, the PICPA awarded $210,500 in scholarships to 135 aspiring high school and college students as well as recent graduates pursuing CPA licensure.

These scholarships will support Pennsylvania students pursuing accounting degrees and aspiring CPAs pursuing their license. By catering to a wide range of applicants, the PICPA aims to foster the future generation of accountants with the resources they need to pursue careers in accounting.

"The PICPA believes in the importance of nurturing the next generation of accounting professionals and these scholarships are just one way we strive to help," said Jennifer Cryder, PICPA's CEO. "Our scholarship program is also a testament to our members' commitment to ensuring students and aspiring CPAs have the support they need – none of this would be possible without our valued members."

Future CPA hard at work studyingThe PICPA distributed scholarships across various educational levels to support students pursuing careers in accounting. High school scholarships totaling $20,000 were awarded to 20 outstanding students interested in earning accounting degrees. A significant portion of the funds, $150,000, went to 88 college students pursuing accounting degrees at Pennsylvania colleges and universities. To assist students in meeting the 150-credit hour requirement necessary to sit for the CPA Exam, the PICPA awarded $20,500 to 15 deserving students. Additionally, all 12 applicants for the CPA Exam Scholarships received a total of $20,000 to help cover the costs associated with taking the CPA Exam.

The PICPA scholarship program is designed to recognize and support a diverse group of students who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership, and an interest in the accounting profession. Your donation supports programs like these! Learn more about the Pennsylvania CPA Foundation or click here to make an investment in the future of accounting.

Beyond scholarship programs, the PICPA is an active voice in shaping the future of accounting in Pennsylvania and beyond, for a full list of legislation issues, thought leadership content and more visit our Professional Issues Tracker to stay up to date on the most important issues impacting the profession.

About the PICPA

The Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants is a premiere statewide association of nearly 20,000 members working in public accounting, industry, government, and education. Founded in 1897, the PICPA is the second-oldest state CPA organization in the United States. To learn more about the PICPA visit


Trevor Davis
Gregory FCA for PICPA
(215) 475-5931

PICPA Staff Contributors


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