What Is Advocacy?

Advocacy is an undertaking by an individual or group intended to inform the public policy debate and effect legislative change.

PICPA's advocacy work encompasses a broad range of activities designed to encourage fair tax policy, improve government efficiency, solve CPA licensing issues, and promote business growth. These efforts are led by PICPA members and the PICPA government relations team.

PICPA Advocacy Explained

PICPA's Advocacy Goals

 Position PICPA members as trusted advisers and fiscal experts.

 Build relationships with legislators and their staff and leaders of regulatory agencies.

 Garner support for PICPA’s legislative priorities.

How We Accomplish Advocacy Goals


Send a weekly Legislative Update, issue election guides, host webinars, and urge PICPA's 20,000 members to collectively fight for the interests of the accounting profession. Form committees to address specific legislative concerns. 


Provide expert guidance to legislators who frequently consult the PICPA on fiscal matters. Testify at the state capitol and submit comment letters to regulatory agencies. Help draft legislation.


Conduct annual or quarterly meetings with select state departments, including the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, to compare priorities. Any legislative dealing will have proponents and opponents: identify various stakeholders upfront to arrive at bipartisan policy proposals.


Support the election of candidates through our Certified Public Accountant Political Action Committee (CPA-PAC), a bipartisan, member-managed organization representing CPAs in public practice, industry, and government, as well as new and veteran members of the profession.


Advocate for or against legislation in strict accordance with Pennsylvania law, PICPA's priorities, and the input of PICPA members. PICPA's lobbying efforts work in conjunction with the activities previously outlined.

How can you get involved

Learn more about PICPA's advocacy programs, or contact Peter Calcara, PICPA's Vice President of government relations.

"Having PICPA representatives in Harrisburg gives legislators a highly respected resource for advice, especially on tax legislation and the CPA profession. We are the go-to guys and gals with boots on the ground. Being a part of the process can be both an educational and teaching experience."

-Robert Hornick, CPA

Pennsylvania Legislators: The PICPA Is a Trusted, Nonpartisan Resource