Critical Update: Department of Labor Issues Final Overtime Regulations Webinar

Jun 8
2:00 - 3:00 p.m.


CPE Credits

Understand the final Fair Labor Standard Act relating to exempt vs. non-exempt employees and the changes in the minimum salary test for exempt employees.

* Introduction to The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) * Overtime pay rate rule for non-exempt employees as set forth in the new regulations * White Collar Exemption (ECP) from minimum wage and overtime pay * Exemption for a “highly compensated employee” * Treatment of “comp time” under the new rules for State and Local Governments * Commonly misunderstood rules regarding overtime pay


PICPA Member: $49
Nonmember: $74

More Information

Course No. OVER-060816 Level: Basic

Prerequisites: A basic understanding of the tax rules relating to the federal income tax.

Your log-in instructions will be sent by Surgent at least 24 hours before the webinar.


Michael Tucker

Louis Federici