Our Mission

The mission of the CPA-PAC is to promote and strive for the improvement of government by encouraging, stimulating, and providing the opportunity for certified public accountants and others to take a more active role in political and governmental activities that affect the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and its citizenry.

The CPA-PAC provides support for the election of candidates for statewide office limited to the following categories: state House, state Senate, governor, attorney general, treasurer, auditor general, and statewide courts. The CPA-PAC may also disburse funds to caucus committees, political party committees, the ChamberPAC, and other state organizations that may support our issues.

Want to learn more? Read our most recent annual report.


Day on the Hill attendees sitting at tables

Invest in Your Profession

By contributing to the CPA-PAC, you foster positive change and ensure that your voice is heard in the political arena.

See Our Impact

View the Pennsylvania candidates we've backed for their support of CPA-friendly positions.


The CPA-PAC Board is responsible for raising and distributing funds to candidates.

A Message from the CPA-PAC Chair

Dear PICPA members: 

Thanks to you and members like you, the PICPA has a strong and effective presence at the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg. The PICPA has the reputation for being an unbiased, technical resource for state lawmakers to turn to on legislation that impacts Pennsylvania’s business community. Having a voice in the public policy making process is one component of advocacy. But there is a political component, as well.

CPA-PAC, the PICPA’s political arm, supports candidates to the state legislature. Dues cannot support funds for CPA-PAC. All funding for CPA-PAC must be personal (no corporate contributions) and voluntary. 

As a member of the PICPA, you receive the benefits of a full-time government relations team in Harrisburg that is constantly monitoring major issues affecting you, your business or clients, and the profession overall. Take a look at our recent legislative accomplishments and successes.

Despite these successes, we cannot rest on our laurels. Relationship-building is key in Harrisburg, and you can help! I ask that you please take a moment to join your colleagues in making an investment in the CPA-PAC today. Your investment will ensure that the lawmakers being elected understand the value of the profession’s expertise, and your ongoing efforts ensure that those individuals remain in office.

Thank you,

R. Charles Waring, CPA, CITP, CISA
Chair, CPA-PAC Board of Trustees 

(Note: State law prohibits CPA-PAC from accepting corporate dollars.)
