Professional Issues Update Webinar

Jun 19
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.


CPE Credits

This fast-paced webinar provides an overview of the major trends disrupting the accounting profession. Understand where we are, where we’re going, and how you can stay ahead of the curve. PICPA CEO Mike Colgan will share his insights gained from the AICPA, Pennsylvania State Board of Accountancy, Pennsylvania legislature, and NASBA and discuss what PICPA is doing on your behalf.


The talent war: recruitment and retention
CPA pipeline, CPA Exam, and diversity and inclusion
Legislative priorities and strategy
Expanding service areas with data analytics, cyber security, and attest
Future of audit and audit quality
Standards for revenue recognition and lease accounting
Evolving role of the CFO and finance teams
The new Pennsylvania CPA Foundation


PICPA Member: $0
Nonmember: $50

More Information

Course No. 620201 Level: Update


Michael Colgan