Understanding and Creating an Internal Control Structure

Oct 15
8:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Holiday Inn Conference Center
Breinigsville - Map

CPE Credits

Define key internal control concepts, including the four types of internal control (preventive, detective, deterrent, and compensating), and the importance of strong policies. Get an overview of control creation methods. Discuss ways to implement policies and procedures, and get a well-rounded understanding of internal control procedures of all types.
  • Case studies adapted from real-world examples of successful entities that rely on their control structure to propel their prosperity and businesses that struggled or failed because proper controls were never instituted
  • Underlying concepts of internal control
  • Where and why are controls, policies, and procedures needed?
  • Legacy control measures
  • Creating control measures that address the use and protection of technology
  • The importance of the control environment as implementation efforts are ongoing
  • List three segments of an organizations technology infrastructure that must be controlled


PICPA Member: $299
Nonmember: $399

More Information

Course No. 760600 Level: Intermediate

Prerequisites: A basic understanding of internal control concepts


Karl Egnatoff