Effective Networking: Take Control of Your Career Webinar

Mar 13
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.


CPE Credits

It is not who you know, but who knows you. You land jobs, win clients, make sales and get promotions based on your visibility within your company, industry and business community. According to several studies, 70-75% of all new jobs are found through networking. Despite knowing that we should network, the prospect of talking to other people in a room full of total strangers or making new phone contacts may terrify us. The unknowns scare us most of all. This session will help you find the courage to network by preparing you for that phone contact or networking event. We will talk about what to say, how to say it and most importantly, why you will do your most effective networking when you listen a lot more than you talk. The skills from this session can put you on the path to networking like an expert. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.
  • Setting objectives

  • Choosing who you want to meet

  • Connecting in person or through social media

  • Why asking is better than telling

  • Creating quality relationships

  • Following through


PICPA Member: $49
Nonmember: $74

More Information

Course No. EEJDENT1 Level: Intermediate

Prerequisites: Some business experience is helpful


John Daly