Managing Your Time As If It Was Your Money Webinar

Mar 2
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.


CPE Credits

  • Review an Excel tool to clarify where you are spending your time.
  • Determine what activities produce low yields and should be shifted.
  • Identify opportunities for investment activities that will increase your performance.
  • Create an action plan to enhance effectiveness in your daily routines and prioritization of tasks. 


In the hustle and bustle of today's business world, we all feel as though we don't have enough time. However, we each get the same 24 hours to spend each day. Whether we feel like our energy bank is full or depleted depends on how we invested those 24 hours. Working with the idea that time is a currency, you'll be able to identify opportunities where you can increase your ROI and techniques to improve how you are spending your time.

This session will:

  • Review an Excel tool to clarify where you are spending your time.
  • Determine what activities produce low yields and should be shifted.
  • Identify opportunities for investment activities that will increase your performance.
  • Create an action plan to enhance effectiveness in your daily routines and prioritization of tasks. 


PICPA Member: $79
Nonmember: $104

More Information

Course No. 4192976C Level: Overview

Prerequisites: None.


Amber Setter