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Enhancing Audit Quality: Employee Benefit Plan Update (Employee Benefit Plans Conference)



CPE Credits

Hear Allison M. Henry, Vice President, Professional & Technical Standards at the PICPA discuss how to improve audit quality for employee benefit plan auditors.

If you attended this session at the Employee Benefit Plans Conference on May 19, 2020, this course is considered a duplicate. The State Board of Accountancy will not accept credits for the same course twice.


The major topics that will be covered in this class include…

  • How the AICPA’s Enhancing Audit Quality Initiative is changing the practice landscape for employee benefit plan audits
  • AICPA enhanced oversight findings
  • Areas of focus in 2020


PICPA Member: $29
Nonmember: $39

More Information

Course No. ON-DEMAND Level: Update

Prerequisites: None

You will have up to 90 days after the date of purchase to complete the course and take the exam. *excludes CPE Academy unlimited access.


Allison Henry

Vice President - Professional & Technical Standard