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The State of Pennsylvania Public Accounting Firms in 2023 Webcast

Jan 26
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.


CPE Credits

PICPA Insights partnered with Hinge Research Institute (HRI) on a state of Pennsylvania public accounting firms research study in fall 2022. This one-hour program -- for PICPA members only -- will reveal findings, analysis, and insights from that study. Learn how your firm is approaching or performing against key factors such as structure and performance, services and billing methods, hiring and retaining talent, mergers and acquisitions, technology and software, and much more.


PICPA Member: $0
Nonmember: $385

More Information

Course No. 797600 Level: Update


This webcast is available for PICPA members only.


Adam Batchelor

Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer

Kelly Waffle

Director, Research & Innovation