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Careers & Lifestyle

Rules for Leadership

Jan 5, 2022
With the death of Secretary of State Colin Powell on Oct. 18, 2021, America lost one of our generation's great leaders. As we embark on 2022, we should refresh (or strive to learn) some of the leadership fundamentals Powell shared in his 2012 book, "It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership."
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The Office Wasn’t All Bad, Was It?

Dec 27, 2021
For those who work in professional services, often it is the people who are seen that get the choicest assignments. And those who get the choicest assignments ultimately tend to develop the most sophisticated skills. If always working from home or adhering to a unique schedule that doesn't align with others, it may be difficult to ensure “face time” with practice leaders and to benefit from the organic opportunities that arise when two people find themselves in a hallway or by the coffee machine.
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Public Accounting or Industry? A Look at the Great CPA Quandary

Nov 9, 2021
The more things change, the more things stay the same ... and some professional debates continue unabated. Will you, as a CPA, be more comfortable working in public accounting or pursuing a career in industry? This blog highlights career tips from three different perspectives.
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Leading in All Directions Essential for Mid-Career CPAs

Nov 8, 2021
When CPAs get to the mid-career level, they are often expected to serve in some leadership capacity. But do these CPAs understand the best way to lead? Leadership coach Jon Lokhorst explains leading is not simply a top-down endeavor.
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PICPA Launches New Career Center

Oct 29, 2021
PICPA's new Career Center connects members with the resources and content they need to help them excel professionally. Organized by career stage, the Career Center features an array of programs, blogs, podcasts, and professional development opportunities.
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