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Government Relations

Our Mission

The PICPA’s Government Relations team provides strategic leadership and technical expertise to state lawmakers, regulators, and the public. As nonpartisan advocates, the Government Relations team maintains the profession’s cornerstone principles of competence, integrity, and objectivity, all while providing these PICPA member-only services:  

  • Collaborating with PICPA member committees to develop proposed legislative and regulatory policies and priorities.
  • Educating lawmakers and public officials about issues concerning the CPA profession.
  • Monitoring state legislation and regulatory actions to determine their effect on the CPA profession.
  • Communicating regulatory and legislative updates to members.
  • Advocating on behalf of the PICPA.

The end result is evident: PICPA members and the Government Relations team influence change that advances the CPA profession and Pennsylvania’s business climate.   

Our Goals

The PICPA Government Relations team has three main goals: to position PICPA members as trusted advisers and fiscal experts, to build relationships with legislators and their staff and leaders of regulatory agencies, and to garner support for PICPA’s legislative priorities.

Here's how we achieve those goals:

We Mobilize

Through Legislative Updates, election guides, webinars, calls to action to PICPA members, and forming committees to address specific legislative concerns. 

We Advise

Our team provides expert guidance to legislators who consult the PICPA on fiscal matters, testify at the state capitol, submit comment letters to regulatory agencies, and help draft legislation.

We Lobby

We influence for or against legislation in strict accordance with Pennsylvania law, PICPA's priorities, and the input of PICPA members. 

We Support

By contributing to the election of candidates through our Certified Public Accountant Political Action Committee (CPA-PAC), a bipartisan, member-managed organization representing CPAs in public practice, industry, and government, as well as new and veteran members of the profession.

We Collaborate

We work with state departments (such as the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue) and local taxing authorities; identify stakeholders upfront on a variety of issues to work together to arrive at bipartisan policy proposals.

Our Work

PICPA's advocacy work encompasses a broad range of activities designed to encourage fair tax policy, improve government efficiency, solve CPA licensing issues, and promote business growth. These efforts are led by our members and the government relations team.

You can see more about our advocacy accomplishments here, and learn more about additional priorities below.

Want to learn more about how PICPA advocacy works? Check out our past Legislative Updates.