CPA Now Blog

What CPAs Need to Know about Consumerism’s Effect on Health Care

We’ve all heard of consumerism. But how is it changing the delivery of health care, and what about the many CPAs who work extensively in this industry? Marc Scher, CPA, partner in charge of KPMG LLP’s global and U.S. health care audit practice in southern California, clarifies this concept in a preview of his upcoming presentation at PICPA’s Health Care Conference, June 5-6, at the Hershey Lodge.

May 1, 2017, 08:55 AM

We’ve all heard of consumerism. But how is it changing the delivery of health care, and what about the many CPAs who work extensively in this industry? Marc Scher, CPA, partner in charge of KPMG LLP’s global and U.S. health care audit practice in southern California, clarifies this concept in a preview of his upcoming presentation at PICPA’s Health Care Conference, June 5-6, at the Hershey Lodge.

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By: Jim DeLuccia, PICPA Communications Manager

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