CPA Now Blog

Tips to Protect Client Data This Tax Season

Tax season is here, which means CPA tax preparers are busy. Unfortunately, so are cyber thieves. Millions of records containing Social Security numbers are breached each year, and even if you have a solid security plan in place, it’s critical to always be vigilant. Rose Lamaestra, CPA, of RLB Accountants in Allentown, Pa., discusses how to spot common attacks this tax season and how to protect sensitive client data.

Jan 30, 2017, 09:26 AM

Tax season is here, which means CPA tax preparers are busy. Unfortunately, so are cyber thieves. Millions of records containing Social Security numbers are breached each year, and even if you have a solid security plan in place, it’s critical to always be vigilant. Rose Lamaestra, CPA, of RLB Accountants in Allentown, Pa., discusses how to spot common attacks this tax season and how to protect sensitive client data.

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By: Jim DeLuccia, Communications Manager

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