CPA Now Blog

Replicating the Benefits of Data Analytics in Excel

While data analytics techniques could benefit all accounting practitioners, many of these businesses can be either intimidated by the prospects of a new way of doing things or limited by their resources. In his return to CPA Conversations, Tommy Stephens, a shareholder with K2 Enterprises, tells us how many of the benefits of data analytics can be harnessed through mastery of Microsoft Excel.

Apr 3, 2017, 09:42 AM

While data analytics techniques could benefit all accounting practitioners, many of these businesses can be either intimidated by the prospects of a new way of doing things or limited by their resources. In his return to CPA Conversations, Tommy Stephens, a shareholder with K2 Enterprises, tells us how many of the benefits of data analytics can be harnessed through mastery of Microsoft Excel.

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By: Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal Managing Editor

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