CPA Now Blog

A Triple Threat of Construction Industry Issues

Key performance indicators. Ownership transfer and succession planning. Factors affecting business valuation. All will be explored at the Oct. 18 PICPA Construction Industry Conference. And all by one man: Daniel Shumate of FMI Capital Advisors Inc. On this edition of CPA Conversations, Shumate provides insight into construction industry hot topics.

Oct 2, 2017, 09:17 AM

Key performance indicators. Ownership transfer and succession planning. Factors affecting business valuation. All will be explored at the Oct. 18 PICPA Construction Industry Conference. And all by one man: Daniel Shumate of FMI Capital Advisors Inc. On this edition of CPA Conversations, Shumate provides insight into construction industry hot topics.

If you’d like, you can download this episode’s audio file. Additionally, you can follow us on iTunes, Google Play, or subscribe to our RSS feed.

By:Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal Managing Editor

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