CPA Now Blog

Blockchain Set to Dramatically Change Accounting and Auditing

Blockchain may seem like a futuristic concept, but it is already making a major dent in the way CPAs and auditors perform their jobs. The technology is one that CPAs would be wise to catch up on as soon as possible. To get our members started along this path, CPA Conversations sat down with Amanda Wilkie, chief information officer for WithumSmith+Brown, for an enlightening discussion.

Nov 9, 2017, 08:11 AM

Blockchain may seem like a futuristic concept, but it is already making a major dent in the way CPAs and auditors perform their jobs. The technology is one that CPAs would be wise to catch up on as soon as possible. To get our members started along this path, CPA Conversations sat down with Amanda Wilkie, chief information officer for WithumSmith+Brown, for an enlightening discussion.

If you’d like, you can download this episode’s audio file. Additionally, you can follow us on iTunes, Google Play, or subscribe to our RSS feed.

By: Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal Managing Editor

PICPA Staff Contributors


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