CPA Now Blog

Pennsylvania’s Sales, Use, and Hotel Occupancy Tax Desk Review Program

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue’s Pass-Through Business Office (PTBO) created the Sales, Use, and Hotel Occupancy Tax Desk Review program in 2015. Steve Kinsinger, revenue fiscal analyst supervisor at the PTBO, provides an update on the program and what CPAs need to know about working with the department to address notices on behalf of clients.

Jan 22, 2018, 07:56 AM

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue’s Pass-Through Business Office (PTBO) created the Sales, Use, and Hotel Occupancy Tax Desk Review program in 2015. Steve Kinsinger, revenue fiscal analyst supervisor at the PTBO, provides an update on the program and what CPAs need to know about working with the department to address notices on behalf of clients.

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By: Jim DeLuccia, PICPA Communications Manager

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