CPA Now Blog

What Does the Firm of the Future Look Like?

So many questions will shape the firm of the future: How important is it for a firm to be active on social media? How can you monetize services that consumers start to expect for free? How soon will it be until routine professional services are fully automated? Get the answers to all of these questions and more in a conversation with Lee Frederiksen, PhD, managing partner of Hinge Marketing

Feb 8, 2018, 09:30 AM

So many questions will shape the firm of the future: How important is it for a firm to be active on social media? How can you monetize services that consumers start to expect for free? How soon will it be until routine professional services are fully automated? Get the answers to all of these questions and more in a conversation with Lee Frederiksen, PhD, managing partner of Hinge Marketing.

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By: Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal Managing Editor

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