CPA Now Blog

Digital vs. Analog: Examining Two Generations’ Differing Styles of Work

Are the work philosophies of two different generations really that different? Gen Xer Jim Caruso, chief financial officer with Simplura Health Group in Valley Stream, N.Y., and millennial Lauren Lear tackled that question in their feature in the upcoming summer 2018 Pennsylvania CPA Journal. Here, they go into even more detail, discussing the best ways to capture information, communicate with colleagues, run brainstorming sessions, and more.

May 21, 2018, 06:00 AM

Are the work philosophies of two different generations really that different? Gen Xer Jim Caruso, chief financial officer with Simplura Health Group in Valley Stream, N.Y., and millennial Lauren Lear tackled that question in their feature in the upcoming summer 2018 Pennsylvania CPA Journal. Here, they go into even more detail, discussing the best ways to capture information, communicate with colleagues, run brainstorming sessions, and more.

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By: Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal Managing Editor

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