CPA Now Blog

Human Capital Management: The Importance of People Skills for CFOs

Are people skills the most important skills for CFOs? Maybe not. Financial acumen is always going to be at the top of the list. But the need to be effective at human capital management means that CFOs must be on top of the pulse of their firm’s culture, and that means knowing what makes their people tick. In this CPA Conversations, we talk to Tiffany C. Wright, project director for Cogent Analytics and president of The Resourceful CEO, about what human capital management is, the importance of a harmonious relationship with human resources, and who new CFOs should talk to for an honest perspective on an organization’s culture.

Jun 11, 2018, 06:00 AM

Are people skills the most important skills for CFOs? Maybe not. Financial acumen is always going to be at the top of the list. But the need to be effective at human capital management means that CFOs must be on top of the pulse of their firm’s culture, and that means knowing what makes their people tick. In this CPA Conversations, we talk to Tiffany C. Wright, project director for Cogent Analytics and president of The Resourceful CEO, about what human capital management is, the importance of a harmonious relationship with human resources, and who new CFOs should talk to for an honest perspective on an organization’s culture.

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By: Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal Managing Editor

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