CPA Now Blog

The Forensic CPA’s Role in Piercing the Corporate Veil

In a preview of his Litigation Support column in the fall 2018 Pennsylvania CPA Journal, Erik Ringoen of Forensic Resolutions Inc. in Westmont, N.J., discusses the legal concept “piercing the corporate veil.” He explains how a court can hold a business owner personally liable for the debts and actions of their company under certain circumstances. He discusses some of the missteps that can lead to a veil piercing and the forensic CPA’s responsibilities in aiding the court in making such a decision.

Aug 13, 2018, 06:00 AM

*In a preview of his Litigation Support column in the fall 2018 Pennsylvania CPA Journal, Erik Ringoen of Forensic Resolutions Inc. in Westmont, N.J., discusses the legal concept “piercing the corporate veil.” He explains how a court can hold a business owner personally liable for the debts and actions of their company under certain circumstances. He discusses some of the missteps that can lead to a veil piercing and the forensic CPA’s responsibilities in aiding the court in making such a decision.

If you’d like, you can download this episode’s audio file. Additionally, you can follow us on iTunes, Google Play, or subscribe to our RSS feed.

By: Bill Hayes, Pennsylvania CPA Journal Managing Editor

*An update on this topic appeared in "PICPA’s CPA Conversations Podcasts Celebrates 100,000 Downloads" on Dec. 23, 2019.

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