CPA Now Blog

COVID-19: How the PICPA Is Handling the Coronavirus Outbreak

The PICPA has been grappling with how to responsibly address the threat of the coronavirus outbreak. We have prepared resources specifically to help members and staff address coronavirus concerns.

Mar 13, 2020, 08:53 AM

By Michael D. Colgan, CAE

Like many organizations, the PICPA has been grappling with how to responsibly address the threat of the coronavirus outbreak.

Our foremost consideration when conducting any PICPA activity is always the health and safety of members, presenters, guests, and staff, and of course the public at large. For this reason, the PICPA has decided to cancel all in-person events through March.

Doctor performing an examWe will continue to monitor the pandemic closely and heed the directives of the Centers for Disease Control and other government agencies. While we plan to resume all scheduled activity in late April, we recognize that we may need to reevaluate that expectation in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we’ve equipped staff to work remotely both to ensure their safety and preserve outstanding member service.

The PICPA has prepared resources specifically to help you address coronavirus concerns and is offering a free webinar on March 13, March 16, and March 20. Keep in mind that we also offer a robust catalog of online learning. Please call (215) 496-9272 with questions and check our website regularly for updates. We have added extra staff to assist with inquiries.

We encourage you all to stay as safe as possible, and we wish you continued health.

Michael D. Colgan, CAE, is CEO and executive director of the PICPA. He can be reached at

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