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CPA Now Blog

Allison Henry, CPA, CGMA

Blogs By Allison Henry

PICPA Vice President
Professional & Technical Standards

  • Making Sure Your Voice Is Heard on A&A and Ethics Standards

    Jul 8, 2024
    The PICPA regularly formulates responses to proposed regulatory and professional standards on your behalf. This blog highlights several that the PICPA sent in during a very active spring among various standards boards.
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  • PCAOB Inches Toward Continuous Inspections

    Mar 31, 2023
    The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board recently issued a proposal that would revise its auditing guidance. One part of the revisions includes the stunning proposal that would require finalizing audit documentation within 14 days of engagement sign-off, down from the current 45 days.
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  • FASB Updates ASC 842, Leases for Common Control Arrangements

    Mar 28, 2023
    The Financial Accounting Standards Board released new guidance on accounting for related-party arrangements between entities under common control. This long-awaited ASC 842 guidance provides a practical expedient for arrangements between entities under common control.
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  • Tax Planning Ethics, Sustainability Projects Focus of AICPA PEEC Meeting

    Mar 3, 2023
    At a Feb. 21, 2023, meeting, AICPA's Professional Ethics Executive Committee discussed a recently issued exposure draft from the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants proposing revisions to the Code of Professional Conduct for Tax Planning. It is important to keep an eye on these discussions because the AICPA is a member of the International Federation of Accountants, so it is required to maintain substantially similar codes of professional conduct.
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  • COVID Relief Funds and the Audit Requirements

    Feb 24, 2022
    Organizations that received more than $750,000 in COVID relief funds could be required to have a single audit or a program audit. This may result in about 10,000 new single audits nationally. If your clients received relief funds, it is important to research the applicable compliance requirements.
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