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CPA Now Blog

New PICPA Conferences Address Rapid Changes to Workforce, Services

Adapting to change is an integral part of being a CPA, and the PICPA, as your professional organization, is committed to doing no less. In watching the professional landscape and responding with the resources you need to succeed, we are proud to announce two new conferences this fall: the Accounting Workforce Conference and Evolve, a conference focused on services for future-focused firms

Sep 16, 2022, 03:26 AM

Adam Batchelor, PICPA vice president, learning and developmentBy Adam Batchelor, PICPA chief strategy and innovation officer

Adapting to change is an integral part of being a CPA. The profession sees change coming, gets ahead of it, and adjusts accordingly for the firm’s benefit and the success of their clients. The PICPA, as your professional organization, is committed to doing no less. We are watching the professional landscape, asking members for their input, and responding with resources to help you succeed now and moving forward. In that light, I’m proud to announce two new conferences for our members this fall: the Accounting Workforce Conference and Evolve, a conference focused on services for future-focused firms.  

The Accounting Workforce Conference, which kicks off in just a few weeks, arose from the widespread concern among accounting professionals that an employment crisis could be imminent if steps aren’t taken to bolster the workforce, both current employees and future prospects. Among our fantastic slate of speakers, we are thrilled to have Michael Cohn, the editor-in-chief of AccountingToday.com. Among the issues discussed during his presentation, Cohn will address attracting talent, the struggles smaller firms are facing in trying to afford retention packages that compete with the larger firms, and the dangers of heavier workloads among fewer staff.  

Future Vision: Silhouette with graphs, charts, icons superimposedWhen trying to solve upcoming issues, you have to look into the future. And who better to do that than a futurist! Gihan Perera, futurist and author, joins the conference to discuss how your mindset can lay the groundwork for future success and how to make innovation an everyday habit. In Perera’s session you will learn how to create a workplace that fosters innovation, use technology to boost productivity, and leverage the unique talents of everybody on your team.

Businesses know they have to adapt to succeed. CPAs know this too: they’ve been doing it for more than 100 years. Another word for “Adapt” is “Evolve.” And that was the inspiration for our second new program this fall, the Evolve Conference. The focus of Evolve is on client advisory and technology services for the future-focused firm. This is some heady stuff, so let me list for you a few highlights so you have an idea where we’re coming from:

  • A look at the state of client accounting services
  • What are the right tools for your accounting firm?
  • Sessions on blockchain
  • How to become a proactive adviser
  • Client onboarding for client advisory services  

We are excited to have Hitendra Patil as a presenter this year. Patil is an authority on accounting technology and the delivery of client accounting services. He is the author of The Definitive Success Guide to Client Accounting Services, and his many columns can be found at CPA Trendlines. Patil will discuss how client advisory services (CAS) have evolved and what may be next in CAS world.

Darren Root of Rootworks LLC will be omnipresent! Root will be a part of more than five sessions, and will share his expertise in areas such as implementing change at your firm, the technologies that power a successful firm, and the business model of the modern firm.

We have many other experts, in both conferences, to help you refine your vision of a successful practice in the 21st century. All you have to do now is attend. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to go anywhere to attend. We understand leaving the office and traveling to a new conference may be too much of a risk right now. That’s why both the Accounting Workforce Conference and Evolve are webcast only. We’re taking the risk out of these new conferences for you. You can get great content, new vision, and exciting, energetic experiences without leaving your office.

Please tune in on Sept. 23 for the Accounting Workforce Conference and Oct. 28 for Evolve. We are confident that you will gain new insight and resources to help you succeed now and moving forward.

Adam Batchelor is PICPA’s chief strategy and innovation officer. He can be reached at abatchelor@picpa.org.

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