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CPA Now Blog

  • Progress and Promise: The Pennsylvania CPA Foundation at Work

    Jul 22, 2024
    The mission of the Pennsylvania CPA Foundation is to inspire and support future CPAs as they embark on their professional journeys. This blog offers a peek into what the Foundation has been working on and the successes that we've been building.
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  • Experts Share How CPA Firms Can Better Maximize Their Technology Investment

    Jul 16, 2024
    In its recently published Insights white paper, the PICPA interviewed five technology and accounting experts about why technology is not leveraged more as a growth driver of efficiency, quality, risk management, and client retention. More importantly, the new research addresses key technological challenges and offers advice on how to overcome these challenges.
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  • Support for Family Caregivers: PICPA Has Your Back

    Jul 17, 2023
    Millions of Americans are caring for one or more chronically ill or incapacitated loved ones while working and managing their own households. If you’re a family caregiver, you should know that the PICPA has just launched a new and free member resource: YourCare360 to guide you through the caregiving journey.
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  • The Pennsylvania CPA-PAC Allows CPAs to Drive Their Own Destiny

    May 30, 2023
    The PICPA has a political action committee to serve the unique interests of CPAs in Pennsylvania’s political process. A dedicated PAC might come as a surprise to many PICPA members, but it’s true.
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  • PICPA Small Firm Alliance Offers Tools to Help Build Your Success

    May 17, 2023
    PICPA’s Small Firm Alliance provides small firms and sole practitioners with the support features that can be hard to come by in firms of their size. This blog shares some of the benefits to which Small Firm Alliance members have access.
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  • Accounting Firms at a Crossroads: New Research in Pa. Points the Way Forward

    May 2, 2023
    Accounting firms in Pennsylvania are under a lot of pressure, and leaders are concerned about the future of their firms and the profession as a whole. This is why Insights, PICPA’s research function, commissioned a study of Pennsylvania accounting firms to gain a better understanding of how the profession is addressing its challenges.
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  • Join Us for PICPA’s 126th Annual Meeting

    Apr 18, 2023
    Clear May 16-18 on your calendar, and plan to come to Pittsburgh for PICPA's 126th Annual Meeting. Catch up with your peers, meet leaders in the profession, and hear from experts on the state of the accounting profession.
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  • IRC Section 174 (a) Updates and the Implications on R&D Tax Credits

    Mar 28, 2023
    The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made several changes to IRC Section 174 that took effect with tax year 2022. EPSA can help fill you in on what these changes are and what they mean to the R&D tax credit.
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  • PICPA Education Committee: Educational Programming for the Future of Accounting

    Dec 27, 2022
    The PICPA Education Committee is the policy-setting committee for the PICPA Foundation for Education and Research, which oversees PICPA’s professional education programs. This blog offers a peek into perhaps one of the most vital committees the PICPA has to offer.
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  • Come Out and Make Meaningful Connections at PICPA’s Cross-Professions Nights

    Dec 26, 2022
    CPAs must meet and make connections with potential clients and peers to remain connected, relevant, and valuable. It is a people-driven occupation. With that in mind, the PICPA is proud to introduce its new Cross-Professions Networking Nights, two mega events where you have an opportunity to engage with other professionals.
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  • PICPA Members Help Make the Season Merry for Those in Need

    Dec 13, 2022
    It’s the season of giving, and PICPA members are, as always, eager to give back to their communities. This year our Local Connection Committees are hard at work attending volunteer events to show their appreciation during this holiday season.
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  • Insightful Podcast: Tackling Issues of Concern

    Dec 9, 2022
    The PICPA is proud to introduce our new Insightful podcast series. Each miniseries of episodes dives into a cutting-edge issue affecting the accounting profession that is being studied by PICPA Insights, our research, analysis, and resources development team.
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  • The Big Issues in Manufacturing Tackled at PICPA Conference

    Dec 6, 2022
    One of the most significant lessons learned in business over the past three years is that if your company is unable to pivot and adapt you will be left behind. But not all businesses are office-based. How do you pivot in manufacturing? How do you adapt?
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  • Triple Win: Firm Ambassadors Benefit Members, Their Firms, and the PICPA

    Nov 14, 2022
    The PICPA Firm Ambassador program launched in 2020 to provide our members with opportunities to foster connections between young CPAs, their professional networks, and the PICPA. We are excited to work with a new class of ambassadors and continue this partnership with young leaders at Pennsylvania firms.
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  • New PICPA Conferences Address Rapid Changes to Workforce, Services

    Sep 16, 2022
    Adapting to change is an integral part of being a CPA, and the PICPA, as your professional organization, is committed to doing no less. In watching the professional landscape and responding with the resources you need to succeed, we are proud to announce two new conferences this fall: the Accounting Workforce Conference and Evolve, a conference focused on services for future-focused firms
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  • Staffing and Workload Challenges Hit Accounting Industry Hard

    Sep 13, 2022
    Accounting firms are facing heavy competition to attract talent as the profession faces the kinds of hiring challenges confronting other industries in the current state of low levels of unemployment. Michael Cohn, the online editor-in-chief of Accounting Today, provides a preview in this blog of his presentation at PICPA's Accounting Workforce Conference.
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  • PICPA Study: The Accounting Profession Underestimates the ESG Opportunity

    Sep 12, 2022
    Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting offers CPAs unique challenges and opportunities. But a PICPA study finds many CPAs have been slow to seize the advantages this area may offer. The PICPA will discuss the opportunities ESG presents to CPAs at a Sept. 30 Zoom workshop.
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  • Accounting as Part of STEM: A Critical Pipeline Need

    Aug 11, 2022
    In a rapidly changing world, it is vital that students are well-versed in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). CPAs are fighting hard to have accounting education included under the STEM umbrella. Why? First, accounting already is a profession that requires high aptitude in technology, and it will become even more so. More importantly, though, inclusion as a STEM discipline will go far in enhancing the pipeline of prospective accountants.
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  • Is STEM the Root of Solving CPA Pipeline Issues?

    Aug 1, 2022
    Officially recognizing accounting as part of the STEM curriculum likely would encourage more school districts to devote additional resources to early accounting education. The additional resources would expose more students to accounting, increasing the number of talented students interested in studying accounting.
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  • PICPA Resources for Members During Economic Uncertainty

    Jul 15, 2022
    The state of the economy is top-of-mind for businesses and individuals, so it is paramount that CPAs remain focused on the many different measures and forecasts so they can best serve their clients, companies, or organizations. To that end, the PICPA is providing updates during this turbulent summer so you are prepared to offer sound advice.
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PICPA Staff Contributors


Statements of fact and opinion are the authors’ responsibility alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of PICPA officers or members. The information contained in herein does not constitute accounting, legal, or professional advice. For professional advice, please engage or consult a qualified professional.

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