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CPA Now Blog

  • Financial Literacy Joins High School Curriculum to Create a Stronger Citizenry

    Feb 13, 2024
    An alarming number of high school graduates enter adulthood and the workforce without the appropriate knowledge of basic financial concepts. To help alleviate this crisis in knowledge, Pennsylvania high schools now have a new graduation requirements: completion of a personal financial economics course. State Sen. Chris Gebhard discusses the need for this step and what he hopes will be accomplished through the new law.
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  • Tax Insurance to Gain Comfort with Gray Tax Positions

    Feb 12, 2024
    When a gray tax position is challenged by the IRS or another taxing authority, taxpayers and CPAs incur a risk for increased tax, penalty, and interest. One tool that may help taxpayers mitigate these risks is tax insurance.
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  • Use Personal Rituals to Fuel the Creative Process

    Feb 5, 2024
    Sometimes we need to trick ourselves into being ready to do difficult work. There are psychological games we can play on ourselves to help us get unstuck and in the mood to do something. Rituals are one of those psychological tools we have at our disposal.
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  • 3-2-1 Go! Managing the Talent Pipeline through Continual Connection

    Jan 30, 2024
    The shrinking talent pipeline in accounting is of great concern in accounting firms and in industry. How exactly do organizations stand out and ensure university students and experienced professionals strongly consider them as a top career choice. A 3-2-1 campaign may be the plan that sets your firm apart.
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  • Who Needs an Award? It’s 2024 Corporate State Income Tax Filing Season!

    Jan 29, 2024
    Preparing hundreds of state and local income tax returns may not be glamorous, but the time is upon us to get to work. There many steps you can take now, however, to help the preparation and filing process go more smoothly.
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  • Student Ambassador Shares Her Perspective on Becoming a CPA Today

    Jan 23, 2024
    Recently, a PICPA Student Ambassador took part in a panel discussion on becoming a CPA. This blog relates Savannah Lesley's experiences and her thoughts on the process of becoming a CPA.
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  • The Wild World of Bad Financial Advice

    Jan 22, 2024
    When it comes to financial advice, there is no such thing as "simple." Those working in the world of financial planning must be wary of gurus and star-powered money management advice.
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  • Only Many, Active Hands Can Repair and Build Out the CPA Pipeline

    Jan 17, 2024
    On July 31, 2023, the AICPA formed the National Pipeline Advisory Group (NPAG) to help develop a broad, national strategy to better address the accounting profession’s critical talent shortage. PICPA President Elizabeth Krisherhas been named to the group. Find out what the group has planned to strengthen the profession.
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  • One Year After IRA Took Effect: Energy Efficiency Deductions for Property Owners

    Jan 15, 2024
    The Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law on Aug. 16, 2022, but several of its provisions only took effect for properties placed in service on or after Jan. 1, 2023. This blog provides a one-year update of what we’ve learned and what we need to learn regarding the act’s changes to the energy efficiency 179D tax deduction and 45L tax credit.
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  • Remote Work: A Choice for Efficiency Then and Now

    Jan 9, 2024
    The idea of working remotely has been around for years. One famous businessman, in fact, put the concept to work in the 1960s. Though some may be longing for the "good old days," remote work has been and will continue to be beneficial.
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  • Where Are All the CPAs? The Crisis and Opportunity of Rebuilding the Accounting Pipeline

    Jan 8, 2024
    In its most recent Insights white paper, the PICPA takes a measured, data-grounded look at the dearth of incoming accounting talent. More importantly, the study offers new perspectives and potential solutions to help rebuild and strengthen the process of growing new accounting talent.
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  • Pennsylvania’s Savings Reach an All-Time High

    Jan 2, 2024
    The Pennsylvania Independent Fiscal Office recently released its annual five-year economic and budget outlook. The Commonwealth will have $13.8 billion in savings that could support future spending or be held as savings to mitigate the impact of any future recessions.
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  • Nurturing Success: Mentoring in a Public Accounting Firm

    Dec 26, 2023
    The importance of mentoring in accounting cannot be overstated. Yes, mentoring plays a pivotal role in shaping the professional growth of employees, but it is also a mutual relationship where both the mentor and mentee benefit.
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  • Digital Products and Services Tax Unclear at Best

    Dec 19, 2023
    Most states with a sales tax impose it on some forms of digital products or software. But within the past decade, some states have enacted statutes that not only redefine software as tangible personal property, but also broaden their definition of taxable tangible personal property or taxable services. This has left service providers and business consumers wondering whether or not they should subject their individual services to tax.
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  • Prioritizing Data through the Lens of a Finance Professional

    Dec 18, 2023
    Deloitte's Sandy Pfeffer shares her thoughts on harnessing the power of data and the firm's recent report, "It’s Time to Get Serious about Data." Pfeffer pointedly asks, are you taking data seriously and enabling your business to make sensible decisions?
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  • Consider an After-Action Review to Assess Your Progress This Year

    Dec 12, 2023
    The 2023 year-end has arrived, and now is the time to create a framework through which you can assess your progress over the past year. To achieve this, consider using an after-action review, a structured evaluation tool the U.S. Army uses in reviewing performance in battlefield exercises.
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  • Tax Preparer Ethics and Client ERC Claims

    Dec 11, 2023
    Many practitioners believe that they can simply accept the validity and appropriateness of a tax client's Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claim prepared by another provider. You may want to reconsider that thought.
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  • Navigating CPA Exam Changes: Extensions and Amnesty for Test-Takers

    Dec 5, 2023
    Effective Jan. 1, 2024, an 18-month extension will be granted for all unexpired sections of the CPA Exam that have been passed by test-takers. This extension provides a crucial lifeline, affording candidates the time and flexibility needed to prepare and excel in the remaining sections without the pressure of expiring credits.
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  • Pa. Office of Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate: How We Can Help CPAs

    Dec 4, 2023
    Some tax professionals and CPAs may not be familiar with Pennsylvania's Office of Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate. This blog shares an overview of the OTRA and the work that it does on behalf of taxpayers and their advisers.
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  • Manage the Stress Points of Problematic Tax Clients and Reduce Your Risk

    Nov 28, 2023
    As tax season approaches, remember that tax-related matters constitute a majority of claims against accounting firms. Addressing and managing the stress points associated with problematic clients can significantly improve a firm’s risk profile.
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