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CPA Now Blog

Peter Calcara, PICPA VP, Government Relations

Blogs By Peter Calcara

PICPA Vice President
Government Relations

  • State Budget Blues

    Sep 27, 2017
    We are more than 80 days into the 2017-2018 fiscal year, and Pennsylvania still does not have a complete budget. Probably what is most surprising is how we got here.
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  • Pennsylvania Pension Reform, Budget, and More

    Jun 26, 2017
    June has been busy for Pennsylvania legislators. Major pension reform legislation was passed by 183 bipartisan members of the General Assembly and signed by Gov. Tom Wolf. In addition, Pennsylvania's 2017-2018 budget deadline looms, and negotiations are heating up.
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  • PICPA Joins New Legal Reform Group

    Apr 10, 2017
    Earlier this year, a diverse group of individuals and organizations, including the PICPA, created a new civil-justice-focused advocacy organization: The Pennsylvania Coalition for Civil Justice Reform.
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  • Pa. Budget Hearings Complete: What Did We Learn?

    Mar 13, 2017
    The appropriations committees of the Pennsylvania House and Senate hold state budget hearings to provide lawmakers and the public with some sense of how taxpayer dollars will be spent. After three long weeks of hearings that concluded last week, what did we learn about Gov. Tom Wolf’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2017?
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  • Pennsylvania 2017-2018 Budget Battle Begins

    Feb 9, 2017
    Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his fiscal year 2017-2018 state budget proposal to a joint session of the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Wolf’s presentation was notable for its brevity, its conciliatory nature, and its themes of no taxes and cutting spending.
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