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CPA Now Blog

  • Professional Services Included in Wave of Tax Expansion Proposals

    Apr 4, 2013
    More state economies are shifting from manufacturing to services, and budgetary challenges are not letting up. State legislatures across the nation are aggressively looking to close budget gaps with new revenues. One of the first places legislators are looking is at sales taxes on professional services.
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  • Pensions. Prevailing Wage. Taxes and More. Let the Debates in Harrisburg Begin!

    Feb 14, 2013
    With the Capitol rotunda’s white marble steps as a backdrop, members of the PICPA Fiscal Responsibility Task Force yesterday released a second report. The task force, created by the PICPA Council in 2010, is designed to position PICPA as a key public policy stakeholder in Pennsylvania.
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  • Advocacy: Uphill in the Snow

    Dec 17, 2012
    There is an old joke people make when referring to their grandparents’ criticisms of what they perceive as a lax culture. In a good-natured mimic of their elders, they say, “When I was young, I walked to and from school! … In the snow … in my bare feet … and it was uphill … both ways!”
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  • Pension Crisis Is Here!

    Sep 10, 2012
    Reforming PSERS and SERS is a priority for the Corbett administration and many legislative leaders. Actuarial valuations are revealing, and a cause for budgetary concern.
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  • PICPA Leadership Wants to Hear from You!

    Aug 27, 2012
    The PICPA Professional Issues Update tour around Pennsylvania is an excellent opportunity for PICPA members to receive two hours of free CPE while interacting with PICPA leadership and your peers on key issues affecting your profession.
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