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CPA Now Blog

  • It’s Tax Season, Don’t Bother Me

    Apr 2, 2012
    It never ceases to amaze me though, that we continue to get members to step up to the plate for media interviews, phone banks, and other tax assistance programs, regardless of the time of year. I could understand if our call for volunteers elicited a few, “It’s tax season, don’t bother me” responses, but luckily, that’s not how 40 members responded who helped us fill volunteer requests so far this tax season.
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  • Are you Connected to the Connected Generation?

    Mar 5, 2012
    As a communicator, I’ve done a fair amount of research on intergenerational issues. I know lots about the traits of the boomers and generation X’s and Y’s. I won’t say it keeps me up at night, but I have wondered how the next generation will be coined?
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  • “Talkies” Teach Us about Social Media

    Feb 13, 2012
    I recently went to see The Artist. For those of you who are not familiar with the plot, it’s a movie about a silent movie star in the 1920s who refuses to adjust to the new “talkie” technology. I think we can all predict the conflict for this actor. As I watched the movie, I kept thinking about the revolutionary changes that are happening today, and how they will help CPAs, and the PICPA, succeed.
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