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CPA Now Blog

  • ESG Reporting and Its Growing Importance for Companies

    Mar 7, 2023
    More companies are providing formal environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reports to fortify company strategy, attract consumers and investors, and retain talent. It is a business dimension that offers a growth opportunity.
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  • When Outsourcing Makes Sense

    Mar 6, 2023
    The finance department is often the unsung champion behind many financial projects. On the flip side, the department can feel a lot of heat too, especially when staffing goes down. The key to staff retention and keeping the heat down may be in recognizing when it is time to bring in external support.
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  • Tax Planning Ethics, Sustainability Projects Focus of AICPA PEEC Meeting

    Mar 3, 2023
    At a Feb. 21, 2023, meeting, AICPA's Professional Ethics Executive Committee discussed a recently issued exposure draft from the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants proposing revisions to the Code of Professional Conduct for Tax Planning. It is important to keep an eye on these discussions because the AICPA is a member of the International Federation of Accountants, so it is required to maintain substantially similar codes of professional conduct.
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  • Embrace Technology: Your Firm Depends on It

    Feb 28, 2023
    The pool of available accounting professionals will continue to tighten. Technology and automation is one of the ways firms can keep growing and meeting client needs without burning out staff.
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  • Networking for Introverts: Success Doesn’t Have to Feel Like a Root Canal

    Feb 27, 2023
    For many professionals, networking events bring back unpleasant memories of middle school, feeling vulnerable, alone, and on the outside looking in at others who seemed to know everyone else. How do we make what seems so overwhelming – or just like torture – a successful endeavor?
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  • Safeguards Rule Updates: Data Security a Must for CPAs

    Feb 21, 2023
    Technology has vastly changed since the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act's Safeguard Rule was first established in 2003, so the Federal Trade Commission amended the rule in 2022 to keep up with the times. Some of the changes took effect in late 2022, with the remaining changes to be effective as of June 9, 2023. Accounting practices of every size need to be aware of the changes.
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  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Accounting

    Feb 20, 2023
    Most who suffer from imposter syndrome believe that their achievements are the result of “luck,” living in fear that they will be discovered a “phony” by others. CPAs tend to possess certain personality traits that make them prone to imposter syndrome: they are detail-oriented, possess a strong work ethic, and are focused on integrity and accountability. Luckily, there is a way to keep imposter syndrome at bay.
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  • Team Motivation during Accounting Busy Season

    Feb 14, 2023
    Busy season in accounting can be a challenging time for teams facing heavy workloads and tight deadlines. The ability to motivate your team is becoming more critical than ever. But it is not always easy.
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  • Why Private Equity? The Value to a Firm’s Younger Partners

    Feb 13, 2023
    The benefits of a private equity infusion to a firm’s senior partners are almost immediate. Private equity entities often tender a lot of cash upfront to owners nearing the end of their careers, instantly returning a significant portion of the value built over years. No doubt, running through the minds of many younger firm owners who may have as many as 20 or more years of full-time work is a nagging “What’s in it for me?” concern.
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  • The Early Bird Passes the CPA Exam

    Feb 7, 2023
    Research shows that the sooner candidates take the CPA Exam after graduation the more likely they are to pass. If you are a recent or soon-to-be college graduate, consider the top four reasons why you should take the CPA Exam as soon as you can.
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  • Poor Communication Practices Can Endanger Confidentiality Privilege

    Feb 6, 2023
    Tax practitioners are familiar with the substantive aspects of tax planning and advice, but considerations regarding the confidentiality of tax analysis and taxpayer communications are sometimes overlooked. Make sure you do not provide an unintended “audit roadmap” on those transactions for which tax planning advice has been provided.
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  • Employee Stock Ownership Plans Offer Unique Succession Alternative

    Jan 31, 2023
    More than 4 million companies will change hands over the next 10 years as baby boomers retire. The U.S. Labor Department estimates that as many as 30% of baby boomers' companies may simply go out of business for lack of a sale or succession strategy. For those ready to think about their exit, know that there are alternatives. One is a transition via employee ownership, or more specifically, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs).
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  • Estate and Gift Tax Rules for Noncitizens

    Jan 30, 2023
    Although CPA practices commonly handle federal estate and gift tax matters, very few CPAs regularly experience nonresident noncitizens exposed to these taxes. This blog provides an overview of the international side of U.S. estate and gift taxes.
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  • A Closer Look at Philly’s Business Income and Receipts Tax

    Jan 24, 2023
    The City of Philadelphia imposes myriad taxes on businesses, but the one levied on all types of business entities is the business income and receipts tax (BIRT). Effective Jan. 1, 2019, Philadelphia started to use an economic nexus standard for the BIRT. Under this standard, even a remote business with no physical presence in Philadelphia may have nexus in the city. Find out more in this BIRT refresher blog.
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  • An SEO Strategy Will Benefit Small Accounting Firms, Too!

    Jan 23, 2023
    Most accounting firms in Pennsylvania have fewer than 20 employees. These firms rarely have a dedicated marketing team. However, with the advances in online and digital marketing, even the smallest firms can drive leads and interest from the internet via a sound search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.
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  • Optimizing a Practice Sale in a Buyers’ Market

    Jan 17, 2023
    Among firms making less than $2 million, 42% of them have partners over the age of 60. The baby boom generation is starting to eye the exit. The good news is the percentage of multipartner firms that expect to make an acquisition in the next three years is up; the bad news is that it is a buyers' market with so many retirements on the horizon. So, what is a firm owner of the baby boom generation to do given the circumstances?
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  • Crypto Regulation Coming after Market Upheaval

    Jan 16, 2023
    Cryptoassets had a volatile 2022. So, as we embark on 2023, practitioners with clients holding cryptoassets, or considering entering this realm, must understand where the market stands. This blog provides five things practitioners should watch concerning blockchain and cryptoassets moving forward.
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  • When Outsourcing Individual Tax Return Filings Know the IRC Section 7216 Requirements

    Jan 10, 2023
    Firms are scrambling for qualified staff to fill the vacancies, and one solution some have been considering is the outsourcing of tax preparation and other accounting tasks. This can be tricky if practitioners are not careful. Outsourcing, particularly when enlisting offshore assistance, requires strict adherence to Internal Revenue Code Section 7216.
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  • The Importance of CPAs to the Burgeoning Cannabis Industry

    Jan 9, 2023
    The cannabis market in Pennsylvania averages about $100 million in sales every month and continues to draw interest. However, Pennsylvania and its local jurisdictions have requirements for prospective license holders that can cost thousands of dollars before a license is granted. Before any entrepreneur considers stepping into this market, it is imperative that they invest in a qualified CPA before going through the process.
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  • The Loss of the El Faro: A Cautionary Tale for Leaders

    Jan 3, 2023
    The loss of the "El Faro" is more than the tragedy of a sinking ship; it is a cautionary tale for all leaders, whether at sea, on land, or high up in the C-suite. It is exemplary of a failure of leadership and faulty decision-making.
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