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CPA Now Blog

  • Taxpayers Will Bear the Burden of Huge Judgements if Sovereign Immunity and Caps Are Removed

    Apr 22, 2024
    A case before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is a threat to the ability of the Commonwealth to limit its exposure to liability through the enactment of damages caps. This is important because uncapped liability verdicts could wipe out funds set aside for critical government services, leading to ever higher taxes.
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  • Financial Literacy Joins High School Curriculum to Create a Stronger Citizenry

    Feb 13, 2024
    An alarming number of high school graduates enter adulthood and the workforce without the appropriate knowledge of basic financial concepts. To help alleviate this crisis in knowledge, Pennsylvania high schools now have a new graduation requirements: completion of a personal financial economics course. State Sen. Chris Gebhard discusses the need for this step and what he hopes will be accomplished through the new law.
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  • Pennsylvania’s Savings Reach an All-Time High

    Jan 2, 2024
    The Pennsylvania Independent Fiscal Office recently released its annual five-year economic and budget outlook. The Commonwealth will have $13.8 billion in savings that could support future spending or be held as savings to mitigate the impact of any future recessions.
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  • Understanding “Requests for Compromise” at the Pa. Board of Appeals

    Nov 14, 2023
    One important tool that can be of use to CPAs in the appeal of taxes, rebates, or refunds is the Pennsylvania Board of Appeals' Request for Compromise. This blog explains the process and how a Request for Compromise could help you better serve your clients.
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  • PICPA-Supported Tax Proposals in Play as Legislative Year Winds Down

    Sep 25, 2023
    The Pennsylvania General Assembly’s fall session is in full swing. Lawmakers have an array of tax measures potentially still in play as final bills for the year are being considered. Several have all been developed in coordination with the PICPA State Tax Thought Leadership Committee and subcommittees.
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  • Pennsylvania's Local Tax Structure and the Imperative Need for Reform

    Aug 8, 2023
    With a complex system covering various taxes at the local level, Pennsylvania faces challenges when it comes to fairness, efficiency, and economic growth. There is an urgent need for reform Pennsylvania’s local tax structure to ensure a more equitable and sustainable system.
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  • Is a Half-Done Budget a Thing? The Budget Standoff Drags On

    Jul 11, 2023
    Each Pennsylvania budget cycle has its own unique challenges, with occasional political obstacles thrown in. This year was unique for the seeming deep freeze that settled on Harrisburg despite the summer heat. Although both chambers of the Pennsylvania General Assembly approved the state spending plan, the Senate adjourned without finalizing the bill, leaving the budget in legislative limbo.
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  • PICPA Urges Adoption of SALT Cap Work-Around

    Jun 22, 2023
    State budget negotiations are in full swing in Harrisburg, which is when many tax bills are proposed and agreed to. This year, the PICPA is urging the General Assembly to act on legislation that will help small businesses in the state and correct a tax unfairness.
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  • Flexing State Tax Muscle: The Evisceration of Public Law 86-272

    Jun 6, 2023
    U.S. Public Law 86-272 provides enormous protection from state income tax in instances where a company has limited activities within a state. If a taxpayer falls within the scope of the federal law, it will not be subject to a particular state’s income tax. However, there has been an uptick in states challenging taxpayers’ protection claims under Public Law 86-272 , so much so that some see an attempt to eviscerate it.
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  • The Pennsylvania CPA-PAC Allows CPAs to Drive Their Own Destiny

    May 30, 2023
    The PICPA has a political action committee to serve the unique interests of CPAs in Pennsylvania’s political process. A dedicated PAC might come as a surprise to many PICPA members, but it’s true.
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  • IRS Additional Funding: What’s that Mean for CPAs?

    May 23, 2023
    Earlier this spring, the IRS unveiled its much-anticipated plan on how it will spend the $80 billion it was allocated under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Find out more about its goals and timetables covering areas such as operations support, enforcement, taxpayer services, and technology modernization.
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  • Every Election Is Important: Pa. Primary Just Around the Corner

    May 8, 2023
    Pennsylvania holds its primary elections on Tuesday, May 16. Many think that municipal elections are mundane, but, in many respects, they are as important as the more high-profile elections.
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  • State and Local Tax Burden: Pennsylvania Ranks 21st

    May 3, 2023
    In February 2023, the Pennsylvania Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) released its annual report, "State and Local Tax Revenues: A 50 State Comparison." Can you guess where Pennsylvania ranks?
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  • Pa. Lawmakers Resume Session to Hammer Out Budget as House Control Test Looms

    Apr 21, 2023
    The Pennsylvania House and Senate appropriations committees have been busy with hearings on Gov. Josh Shapiro’s first budget proposal. During this work, the General Assembly recessed from March through much of April. Both chambers will be back in session on April 24 to begin the give and take of constructing a final budget.
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  • Tips from the Pennsylvania Board of Appeals

    Dec 5, 2022
    As CPAs know, the Board of Appeals is the first formal level in adjudication of tax, rebate, and refund appeals in Pennsylvania. This blog from the Board provides a few tips to help you navigate appeal procedures.
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  • The Demographic Squeeze Has Arrived in Pennsylvania

    Nov 21, 2022
    Pennsylvania’s Independent Fiscal Office recently published an updated demographics forecast for the state through 2030. The latest data show that state's labor force participation rates remain well below prepandemic rates.
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  • PICPA Government Relations’ General Election Recap

    Nov 15, 2022
    An unsettled economic environment during a midterm election has historically been a recipe for disaster for the party in power. Not this year! Get a recap of 2022's surprising election results from PICPA's government relations team.
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  • Monumental Changes for CPAs Arise from Pa. Legislature’s Late Session Action

    Nov 7, 2022
    The PICPA government relations team has been working on major legislative changes to Pennsylvania’s CPA Law for years. On Nov. 3, Gov. Tom Wolf signed the legislation, making vital updates to the law that governs the profession and impacts so many functions.
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  • The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax

    Sep 26, 2022
    The new Inflation Reduction Act is a large and complex piece of legislation that contains numerous tax components. This blog takes a deep look at the 15% Corporate Alternate Minimum Tax (CAMT) and several elements that deserve close scrutiny.
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  • Pennsylvania Lawmakers Return for Brief Pre-Election Session

    Sep 8, 2022
    There are only a handful of session days in the Pennsylvania legislature before November’s election recess, so lawmakers will be using this narrow window to add to their list of 2021-2022 accomplishments. The PICPA will be involved, advocating for several important goals before time runs out on the session.
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