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Speaker & Author Opportunities

Become a Thought Leader

Becoming a thought leader is not only about possessing expertise in a particular subject but also about your willingness to share that knowledge with others, driving meaningful discussions and contributing to the advancement of your field. If you find yourself passionate about a specific area within the realm of accounting or finance, whether it's tax regulations, audit methodologies, financial reporting standards, or any other specialized topic, the PICPA provides a platform for you to showcase your insights and become a recognized authority in your field. Embrace the opportunity to inspire others, spark meaningful conversations, and leave a lasting impact on the industry by sharing your expertise with the PICPA community.

Thought Leadership

Speaking Engagements

PICPA Conferences and Town Halls draw financial professionals from across the state to learn from industry experts like you. Or help fill the accounting pipeline by participating in a student program.

Conferences and Town Halls

PICPA Conferences and Town Halls draw financial professionals from across the state to learn from industry experts like you. If you are interested in being a speaker, contact us with your area of expertise and a list of topics you would like to cover. A representative from our Member Programs and Services team will contact you to discuss opportunities.

Pennsylvania CPA Foundation Student Programs

During our annual fall Accounting Career Days, the PICPA partners with the AICPA to raise awareness of and interest in accounting among high school students. Please contact us if you would like to speak or help with high school programs.

Author Opportunities

Writing for the CPA Now blog or the Pennsylvania CPA Journal is a great way to share your technical expertise with colleagues and increase firm visibility within the profession.

CPA Now Blog

CPA Now is PICPA’s blog that covers topics and issues affecting the accounting profession today. Blogs are about 900 words. If you would like to submit a blog for consideration, email Matt McCann.

Pennsylvania CPA Journal

The Pennsylvania CPA Journal is PICPA's quarterly magazine that explores current issues and updates within the accounting profession.

Columns: Journal columns are about 900 words and address specific topic areas. There are 10-13 columns per issue, with some topics appearing in every issue and others appearing on a rotating basis.

Features: Features are about 2,500 words and cover current events, news within the profession, and special-interest topics. Features appear in each issue to provide in-depth coverage of hot topics and developing issues. 

To submit a column or feature for consideration please email journal@picpa.org.

Article Submission Details

All submissions for the CPA Now blog and the Pennsylvania CPA Journal are required to adhere to the following.

  • Must be original content (no reprints)
  • Articles should meet the required length
    • 900 words for blogs and Journal columns
    • 2,500 words for Journal features
  • Personal details and attached files should be included in submission email
    • Name, phone number, mailing address, and email address
    • Brief biography (three to four sentences) that includes author job title and place of employment
    • Print-ready color headshot (300 dpi, .jpg format preferred) sent as an attachment
    • Word document of article sent as an attachment
  • Please note, while we do accept unsolicited blogs and articles, there is no guarantee when or if content will be published. All content is subject to editing and approval by the PICPA.

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