Step up and make your mark on the future of the profession! When you join a PICPA committee, you're not just expressing dedication – you're leading by example. Our committees cover a wide array of topics, from taxation to technology, audit to entrepreneurship, and we invite you to find out how you can play a vital role in shaping the landscape of the accounting world.
Become part of a vibrant network of accounting professionals dedicated to excellence, integrity, and innovation. Contact to let us know which committees interest you and a member of our staff will be in touch.
Governance and appointed committees are selected based on nominations and election procedures defined by PICPA’s bylaws. These committees oversee the work of PICPA staff and represent the membership in high-level strategy setting and decision-making. Appointed or elected only. Nominations open in October.
Steering committees include highly committed volunteers who provide expert advice and insight to help the PICPA serve the needs of members. Our most engaged members are invited to join steering committees to generate ideas and provide valuable feedback to PICPA staff and leadership on issues affecting their piece of the profession.
Thought leadership committees are the driving force of PICPA learning and professional connection programs. These committees include members who work in a particular practice area, industry, or demographic group, and they work to create programs that meet the professional needs of members like them.