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CPA Now Blog

Peter Calcara, PICPA VP, Government Relations

Blogs By Peter Calcara

PICPA Vice President
Government Relations

  • PICPA-Supported Tax Proposals in Play as Legislative Year Winds Down

    Sep 25, 2023
    The Pennsylvania General Assembly’s fall session is in full swing. Lawmakers have an array of tax measures potentially still in play as final bills for the year are being considered. Several have all been developed in coordination with the PICPA State Tax Thought Leadership Committee and subcommittees.
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  • Is a Half-Done Budget a Thing? The Budget Standoff Drags On

    Jul 11, 2023
    Each Pennsylvania budget cycle has its own unique challenges, with occasional political obstacles thrown in. This year was unique for the seeming deep freeze that settled on Harrisburg despite the summer heat. Although both chambers of the Pennsylvania General Assembly approved the state spending plan, the Senate adjourned without finalizing the bill, leaving the budget in legislative limbo.
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  • PICPA Urges Adoption of SALT Cap Work-Around

    Jun 22, 2023
    State budget negotiations are in full swing in Harrisburg, which is when many tax bills are proposed and agreed to. This year, the PICPA is urging the General Assembly to act on legislation that will help small businesses in the state and correct a tax unfairness.
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  • The Pennsylvania CPA-PAC Allows CPAs to Drive Their Own Destiny

    May 30, 2023
    The PICPA has a political action committee to serve the unique interests of CPAs in Pennsylvania’s political process. A dedicated PAC might come as a surprise to many PICPA members, but it’s true.
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  • IRS Additional Funding: What’s that Mean for CPAs?

    May 23, 2023
    Earlier this spring, the IRS unveiled its much-anticipated plan on how it will spend the $80 billion it was allocated under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Find out more about its goals and timetables covering areas such as operations support, enforcement, taxpayer services, and technology modernization.
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