CPA Now Blog

Peter Calcara, PICPA VP, Government Relations

Blogs By Peter Calcara

PICPA Vice President
Government Relations

  • Dues Tax Meeting with DOR Provides Clarity, Guidance

    Feb 26, 2020
    The PICPA and the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue met to discuss DOR’s Sales and Use Tax Letter Ruling 20-001, which spoke on the taxability of professional association membership fees. The discussion provided much needed clarity.
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  • Pennsylvania Opens Door to Taxing Membership Fees

    Feb 14, 2020
    On Jan. 31, 2020, the Pa. Department of Revenue issued Sales and Use Tax Letter Ruling No. SUT-20-001, which states that if membership fees include the transfer of taxable property in addition to nontaxable services, the entire membership charge is subject to tax. This presents a host of issues for the PICPA and other membership communities.
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  • Ever Receive a Dated Tax Notice from the Pa. DOR? Act 90 of 2019 Establishes a 10-Year Collection Window

    Jan 6, 2020
    House Bill 17, now Act 90 of 2019, was the culmination of more than a year’s work over two legislative sessions of the General Assembly by the PICPA and its friends in the legislature. Find out how difficult this advocacy process can be.
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  • Expungement in Pa.: Clear a Minor Infraction from Your CPA Record

    Dec 3, 2019
    Act 6 of 2018 gives the commissioner of the Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs (BPOA) the authority to expunge the disciplinary records of licensees under BPOA’s jurisdiction. But what does that mean exactly for CPAs in the state?
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  • Occupational Licensing Reform Needs a Guard Against Mishap

    Oct 7, 2019
    State lawmakers across the country are removing barriers to a person’s right to work in numerous occupations and professions. Some have taken the path of outright elimination of state licensing. The PICPA is taking an active role in protecting the CPA designation so the profession will not be caught flatfooted should similar legislation be brought up for a vote in Pennsylvania.
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