CPA Now Blog

Peter Calcara, PICPA VP, Government Relations

Blogs By Peter Calcara

PICPA Vice President
Government Relations

  • Pennsylvania Lawmakers Return for Brief Pre-Election Session

    Sep 8, 2022
    There are only a handful of session days in the Pennsylvania legislature before November’s election recess, so lawmakers will be using this narrow window to add to their list of 2021-2022 accomplishments. The PICPA will be involved, advocating for several important goals before time runs out on the session.
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  • Tax Reduction Home Run a Highlight of Pa.’s 2022-2023 Budget

    Jul 13, 2022
    Seven days after the 2022-2023 fiscal year began on July 1, Gov. Tom Wolf and state lawmakers did finally adopt a $42.8 billion state General Fund appropriations bill. This year there was big news on the tax front: there will be a staged reduction in the Pennsylvania corporate net income (CNI) tax rate -- the state’s first CNI tax rate reduction in more than two decades.
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  • PICPA Advances Pass-Through Entity Tax Reform Initiative

    Apr 8, 2022
    With both the political and economic environments seemingly ripe for such a discussion, the Pennsylvania General Assembly appears poised to address a variety of tax law changes. One that could appear on the legislative agenda is PICPA’s effort to address the growing inequity in state and local taxation via an elective pass-through entity tax.
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  • The PICPA and the Pa. Revenue Department Nurture an Open Dialogue

    Nov 12, 2021
    Annually, the PICPA and the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue (DOR) meet to discuss issues affecting CPA practitioners and their clients and to bring clarity to complex regulations. In October 2021, the PICPA State Taxation Steering Committee hosted the DOR. Topics covered include personal income and corporate tax, sales and use tax, and administrative issues.
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  • CPE Carryover Will Not Apply to CPAs

    Aug 4, 2021
    Act 116 of 2020 permits boards and commissions under the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs to allow licensees who earn continuing education credits in excess of the amount required for license renewal to carry over excess credits and apply them to the next biennial renewal period. Unfortunately that does not include CPAs.
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