CPA Now Blog

Peter Calcara, PICPA VP, Government Relations

Blogs By Peter Calcara

PICPA Vice President
Government Relations

  • Pa. Budget Passes General Assembly with Relative Ease

    Jul 1, 2021
    This year, we experienced a political unicorn in Harrisburg. Not only were the 2021-2022 state budget negotiations relatively painless, but also everything was voted on in an expedient fashion and the budget was wrapped well before the start of the new fiscal year on July 1. Adding to the overall ease of the process – and probably another political unicorn – was the state’s revenue surplus and unused funds received from the federal government for COVID relief.
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  • More than Municipal Primaries: The Constitution and Courts on the Ballot

    May 6, 2021
    Much of politics is local, to paraphrase former U.S. Speaker of House Thomas P. O’Neill, and Pennsylvania voters in May 2021 will determine who will vie for positions in the county courthouse, townships, boroughs, and school boards. This year’s primary election, however, has added significance with proposed amendments to the state constitution.
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  • PICPA Scores Three-in-One Legislative Victory

    Apr 22, 2021
    It is rare when the stars align in Harrisburg, but when they do it is an impressive process to watch unfold. The PICPA was a key contributor to just such an occurrence when the state House and Senate lawmakers agreed to expedite legislation championed by the PICPA that addresses three problematic tax issues. A victory for the public, a victory for CPAs, and a victory for PICPA!
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  • CPAs Offer Financial Policy Options to Pennsylvania Lawmakers

    Mar 11, 2021
    CPAs have extensive experience helping clients meet their fiscal challenges head-on and directing them toward success. Pennsylvania, too, faces fiscal challenge, and the PICPA's Fiscal Responsibility Task Force has developed a report to assist those in governance find a sound financial footing for the state's financial health.
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  • Forgiven PPP Loans Now Exempt from Pa. Personal Income Tax

    Feb 9, 2021
    The strength of PICPA's 20,000 members was on display recently in Harrisburg as the PICPA scored a major legislative victory in ensuring that forgiven Paycheck Protection Program loans would be exempt from state personal income tax.
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